

Inga Hlín Pálsdóttir sjálfstætt starfandi ráðgjafi og fyrrverandi forstöðumaður ferðaþjónustu og skapandi greina hjá Íslandsstofu er gestur Óla Jóns í þessum fyrsta þætti ársins 2021. Við ræðum meðal annars vöxt ferðaþjónustunnar 2010 þær áskoranir og tækifæri sem voru þá, hvað gekk vel og hvað ekki. Hvaða áskoranir og hvaða tækifæri blasa við núna á Covid tímum og hvað ferðaþjónustu aðilar þurfa að hafa í huga á næstu misserum. Inga Hlín segir okkur líka frá nýju starfi sem ráðgjafi Inga Hlin Consulting og starfi sínu hjá Future Place Leadership. Linkedin.com segir um Future Place Leadership "We are a Nordic management consultancy specialising in the development, innovation and marketing of places. Á ingahlin.is Inga Hlin Palsdottir has been an integral part of branding and promotion for Iceland for over a decade and has been involved with all aspects of the tourism industry. She led successful changes for the brand Iceland as a place and destination, both in crisis and in times of growth. She is the former director of Visit Iceland and the award winning campaign Inspired by Iceland. In her time the tourism industry in Iceland went from being the third largest revenue generating industry to the largest one. As well as becoming a whole year round destination in all regions. Her main emphasis has been on stakeholders’ engagement, integrated marketing, sustainability and responsibility in the industry. From 2020, she has been advising places and destinations on strategy, branding, stakeholders engagement, integrated marketing and crisis communication. She is also Senior Advisor with Future Place Leadership.

119. Inga Hlín PálsdóttirHlustað

06. jan 2021