

Í nóvember síðastliðnum hitti ég í ásamt Agnari Frey Gunnarssyni samstarfsfélaga hjá Birtingahúsinu Styrmi Másson á vinnustað hans í Kaupmannahöfn. Styrmir starfar sem "Performance Marketing Lead" hjá Planday. Í þessu spjalli segir Styrmir okkur frá Planday, fyrir hverja það er og hvernig markaðssetningu er háttað. "Planday is a technology company that was born in a Danish bar. We’ve come a long way since our cofounders first dreamed up a tool that would make scheduling and communicating more straightforward. With over 12 years of experience in the industry, we’re well-placed to provide businesses with a solution that meets their unique needs. Powered by some of the smartest people in the world, and driven by a growth-centric business model, we’re not only changing the way businesses across the world operate, but also how managers and employees fundamentally interact with each other."

146. Styrmir MássonHlustað

29. des 2021