Coolboy by Oyama: Exclusive album stream

Am­bi­ent/​dream-noise-rock band Oyama released their de­but LP, Cool­boy, yesterday on the 12Tónar label in Ice­land and last week in Japan on Imperial Records. Oyama have re­ceived con­sid­er­able at­ten­tion for mu­sic that they de­scribe as " sleepy melodies wrapped in puffy clouds of noise and angsty peachy fuzz."

They're also head­ing for a Japan tour in No­vem­ber af­ter play­ing at Ice­land Air­waves. For our previous interview with the band see HERE. 

In the true spirit of Airwaves, the album is now available to stream over the festival period.  Go and have a listen below!

And make sure not to miss the band at Airwaves.  

Wednesday - 7:30 @ Kex Hostel (off-venue)

Thursday - 6:15 @ 12 Tónar (off-venue)

Friday - 9:40 @ Gaukurinn (on-venue)

And for those in Iceland on Nov 13th - be sure not to miss the band’s release concert at Húrra! More info HERE.