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Meghan Boggs birti þessa mynd af sér á Instagram og …
Meghan Boggs birti þessa mynd af sér á Instagram og sagðist aldrei hafa verið sterkari. skjáskot/Instagram

Mömmubloggarinn Meghan Boggs deildi á dögunum fallegri mynd af slitum á húð sinni og appelsínuhúð og hvatti um leið fólk til þess elska líkama sinn. Sjálf segist hún ekki hafa lært að elska líkama sinn fyrr en hún varð móðir. 

Í einlægum pistli við áðurnefnda mynd segist Boggs lengi hafa verið með þyngd sína á heilanum og því hafi fylgt mikill kvíði. Hún var glöð ef hún léttist um nokkur grömm en jafnreið ef talan á vigtinni fór upp á við. Hún segist hafa verið sannfærð um að eina leiðin til að verða hamingjusöm væri að léttast. 

„Svo ég léttist. Og það var aldrei eins og það væri nóg. Ég hreyfði mig bara til þess að léttast, í stað þess að gera það eins og ég geri nú þar sem ég einbeiti mér að því hvernig mér líður,“ skrifaði hún.

Segist hún loks hafið vegferðina að sjálfsást þegar hún horfði á líkama sinn í spegli eftir að hún eignaðist dóttur sína fyrir rúmu ári. 

Boggs deilir líka hvernig henni gengur að hreyfa sig og segir það ekki skipta máli vegna þess að hún veit hversu sterk hún er sama hvernig líkami hennar lítur út. Henni líður vel og er sterkari en hún hefur nokkurn tímann verið.

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I used to weigh myself every morning. I would always make sure to go to the bathroom first. There would be a rush of anxiety as the scale blinked while I stared down in anticipation. It was the moment that would depict how I approached my day. Would I be positive and embrace the day happily because the number was a whole .1 lower than yesterday morning? Or would I angrily start brushing my teeth and threaten myself to only eat a salad for today because the number was a whole .1 higher than yesterday? This was how I lived. It was destroying me. And I was completely convinced that this was the only way to be happy. This was the only way I would get to where I was supposed to be in order to become a mother. I repeated to myself that the only way to be happy was to be skinny. So I lost weight. And it never felt like it was enough. I worked out only to lose weight, rather than the way I do now where I focus more on how it makes me feel. But then I had Maci. For the first time, I felt thankful for my body. There was a moment after she was born that I stood in the hospital bathroom just before I took my first postpartum shower. I was only in my robe as I stared into the mirror. I almost remember it in slow motion because I had avoided a mirror for years, even throughout most of my pregnancy. Locking eyes with myself, I tugged the string and the robe separated a few inches. I froze for a few seconds before I let the robe fall down to the ground. And there I was. I saw me for what felt like the very first time, but after another few seconds, I closed my eyes. I turned around and walked towards the shower. This moment was just the beginning of my self-love journey. It doesn’t happen quickly. But it never would have happened had I not tried. 💗 #this_is_postpartum

A post shared by meghan (@meg.boggs) on Nov 27, 2018 at 12:40pm PST

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#this_is_postpartum - 52 weeks. I came home from the hospital with a newborn exactly one year ago today. I was swollen and everything felt out of place. I thought my body would never be the same again. I feared that all the work I had put into becoming strong and healthy had officially disappeared forever. I walked slowly and couldn’t even think about exercising. It seemed impossible. But four weeks later, I just tried. Attempted to move my body however it could move. Another month later, I kept trying. Moved my feet fast enough to consider it a jog. Lifted a light dumbbell the best I could. Two months later, I packed some weight on my shoulders and squatted down. I grabbed the heavier set of dumbbells anytime I could. By the summer, I was adding more and more weight to the bar. Passing personal records from my “skinniest” days pre-pregnancy. I was changing, but the mirror wasn’t. What I saw in my reflection wasn’t looking any different than the day I looked at myself in the hospital bathroom mirror for the first time. My stomach still hung down low and frustrated me. I had the choice to give up and cave into self-hate. Or to add more weight to the bar, get up off my knees when I do push-ups and enjoy how it felt when I beat my own records. So I added the weight and got off my knees. I showed up proudly, threw my gloves away, dusted chalk all over my hands, got dirty and crushed my records. Because I’m strong and capable no matter what my body looks like. Because it makes me feel SO GOOD. I am stronger right now in this moment than I have ever been in my entire life. And that right there is more than enough for me to celebrate. Stomach flab, muscles and all. 🌿

A post shared by meghan (@meg.boggs) on Nov 6, 2018 at 9:47am PST
