Kristbjörg tárast yfir flutningunum til Katar

Aron Einar Gunnarsson og Kristbjörg Jónasdóttir.
Aron Einar Gunnarsson og Kristbjörg Jónasdóttir.

Kristbjörg Jónasdóttir, einkaþjálfari og eiginkona Arons Einars Gunnarssonar, er hrærð yfir því að fjölskyldan sé að flytja frá Cardiff til Katar. 

Kristbjörg er með 31 þúsund fylgjendur á Instagram en hún deildi því með þeim að hún væri ótrúlega spennt fyrir þessum flutningum. 

„Helst í fréttum er að við erum að flytja til Katar næsta sumar. Ég veit þetta hljómar dramatískt en ég tárast meðan ég skrifa þetta. Auðvitað er ég spennt að flytja en á sama tíma er ég leið yfir því að vera að yfirgefa þennan stað. Hér hef ég búið í sex ár, báðir synir okkar voru fæddir hér, við búum í æðislegu húsi og höfum kynnst góðu fólki hér sem ég mun sakna mikið,“ segir hún á Instagram. 

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So the news are out and as some of you know we’ll be moving to Qatar in the summer. I know this might sound dramatic haha but I’m actually tearing up as I’m writing this😢 I’m really excited for a change but at the same time so sad to be leaving here. I have lived here 6 years now, both of our boys were born here, we have a beautiful house here, we have gotten to know and have people in our life and some that we see everyday that I’m absolutely gutted to be leaving😭 Cardiff, Porthcawl and of course Brynna, has been a “home” to us and we’ll be forever grateful for all the amazing people we have gotten to know here so far 🙌🏼 Its not the end of it though cause we have made friends for life💙 _ Last few weeks have been quite busy organising the moving, putting our house on sale 😭 and packing so it has kept me quite busy😅 _ I’m really proud and excited for Arons next step in his career and grateful for being a part of it😘 It will be a big change but as long as our little family is together I take new adventures with open arms👨‍👩‍👦‍👦💙 _ But lets not forget its not the end of our Cardiff journey and we are not going just yet...There are still few games left and I know Aron is concentrating on finishing them, helping his team to stay up in the PL. He has been here 8 years now and his love for the club, the staff, the fans and the team mates is so real💯 I know he’ll give everything he’s got and finish his last season here strong💪🏼 _ We’ll be enjoying every single day we have left here🙌🏼 @arongunnarsson

A post shared by 🌟Kris J🌟 (@krisjfitness) on Mar 20, 2019 at 4:30am PDT