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Ferbrache og Ella í bílnum.
Ferbrache og Ella í bílnum. skjáskot/Instagram

Bloggarinn Sydney Ferbrache seldi allar eignir sínar og keypti sendibíl í maí í fyrra. Hún ferðast nú um Bandaríkin ásamt hundinum sínum Ellu.

Þetta var þó ekki í fyrsta skipti sem Ferbrache gerði þetta. Hún gerði slíkt hið sama haustið 2017 en þá með kærastanum sínum. Þau keyptu sendibíl saman og gerðu hann upp. Þau bjuggu saman í bílnum þar til í apríl 2018 þegar leiðir þeirra skildi. Hún keypti kærastann út úr bílnum og safnaði sér svo fyrir nýjum bíl. 

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“I remember taking a mental picture about a month ago. If I close my eyes and think about it, I can relive every detail of that moment. I was parked in Utah on my way to San Diego. I was laying in bed on my side, and Ella was behind me being the big spoon with her little paw thrown across my ear. I felt her head lay on top of mine and press down. I immediately thought to myself, "This moment is one of the best that I'll ever have. The happiest I could ever possibly be." Life was perfect. - Then she moved her head and rolled around... And the moment was over just like that. If you take anything from this story (full blog story), please notice the good moments. The best ones that you'll ever have. - Take a mental picture. - Because you never know when they'll be gone and everything will change. It can happen in an instant. But even in the midst of your worst days ever, keep in mind that it isn't only the good moments that are fleeting. - The worst will pass and another perfect moment will come soon enough.” - A little piece of a pretty lengthy blog post that I wrote while decompressing the last couple days after an incredibly stressful week. If you want to know all the details and updates on Ella’s surgery, the fire evacuation, and everything else we’ve been up to, click the link in my bio. ❤️

A post shared by Sydney Ferbrache (@divineontheroad) on Nov 14, 2018 at 7:51am PST

Áður en vegirnir urðu heimili hennar vann hún 70 tíma á viku við að skipuleggja viðburði. Hún segir að það líf hafi ekki hentað sér og sig hafi langað til að breyta til. Og það gerði hún svo sannarlega. 

Ferbrache hefur atvinnu af vefsíðu sinni, markaðsstarfi, auglýsingum og ráðgjöf. Hún hefur ferðast vítt og breitt um Norður-Ameríku og hyggst fara suður til Mexíkó þegar líður á vetur. 

Hún segir marga hafa haft áhyggjur af sér, einsamalli ungri konu á ferðalagi. Hún segir áhyggjur fólks í raun meira vandamál en öryggi sitt. „Fólk er alltaf að segja mér að það hafi áhyggjur af mér vegna þess að ég er kona. Ég er kannski kona, en ég elska að ferðast og ég er að því. Ég er ekki veikburða eða ófær um eitt eða neitt, ekki frekar en nokkur önnur kona sem ferðast,“ sagði Ferbache.

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I’ve always been nervous about sharing too much publicly. Wondering what will people think? It’s one thing to open up in shorter, controlled captions that tell a quick story. It’s something completely different to just let words come flowing out while you speak in a quiet van hoping you’re giving off the right impression. But as I continue to learn how to navigate traveling in this home and the longer I’m on the road, the more I have to share and say to you. There are stories I’ve collected that are worth fully speaking, not just writing as concisely as possible. There are battle wounds I’ve gathered from this lifestyle that deserve their time to shine instead of being left in the past. I want to tell you about the time I crashed into a hotel because I was too embarrassed to talk about it when it happened. I want you to know how I make a living and how I’m damn sure you can do the same. Most of all, I really want to get over my own fears of saying too much or saying the wrong thing because silence doesn’t help anyone. So, my podcast is officially out! 🎉 Just search “My Solo Road” on whatever you have. Let me know your thoughts and let’s make this a fun, open place to talk about.. absolutely everything. All things to be discussed in this little microphone of mine with a cute pup beside me and a decent glass of wine. ❤️🙌🏼

A post shared by Sydney Ferbrache (@divineontheroad) on Aug 8, 2019 at 7:58am PDT
