Barrymore lofar þjálfara sinn í hástert

Drew Barrymore elskar þálfarann sinn.
Drew Barrymore elskar þálfarann sinn. Skjáskot/Instagram

Leikkonan Drew Barrymore segir að þjálfarinn hennar, Marnie Alton, hafi hjálpað henni, heilað hana og hvatt hana til þess að halda áfram. 

Barrymore segir Alton ekki bara vera þjálfarann sinn heldur líka kæra vinkonu. Alton hjálpaði henni að komast í form fyrir hlutverk sitt í þáttunum Santa Clarita Diet. 

„Á hverju vori þegar ég byrjaði að æfa til þess að verða Sheilda Hammon var það Marnie sem hjálpaði mér. Ég missti 9 kíló og æfði eins og mamma. Hún er líka mögnuð manneskja,“ skrifar Barrymore í færslu sinni sem hún birti í tengslum við heilsuviku á Instagram.

Barrymore hefur átt í stríði við vigtina á síðustu árum og hefur viðurkennt að hún hati að þurfa að fara reglulega á sérstakt mataræði til að grenna sig. 

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#WELLNESSWEEK @marniealton @mbodybymarniealton This woman is my long time teacher and dear important friend. She has helped me. Healed me. Encouraged me to keep going when I felt like being strong was an insurmountable task. We have known each other for about 15 years and when I told her I wanted to transform my body for #SANTACLARITADIET she helped me. Every spring, when I would start training to become #SHEILAHAMMOND Marnie was the one who got me there. I lost 20 pounds and trained like a mother. She also is the most amazing person. She is poetry in a human being. The best heart. Her priorities are in the right place. She is humorous and so so so knowledgeable about our bodies. I love her. Inside and out. Her classes are always booked up and we all love to run to her for her spirit and leadership for all things healthy. We hope the people in the wellness world are actually healthy in their hearts and minds. It’s not all about being terminators! It’s about how to find yourself. How to be your best self. But we need guidance and we hope our teachers are smart and wise and sane! Marnie is one of the greats. Period. And if your looking for a life change or to find your consistent tribe, she is where I found mine.

A post shared by Drew Barrymore (@drewbarrymore) on Feb 18, 2020 at 7:25am PST

Marnie Alton hefur látið hana púla.
Marnie Alton hefur látið hana púla. Skjáskot/Instagram