Hundrað þúsund dollara seðill
Kaupa Í körfu
The 100,000 dollar bill is a banknote of the United States that was printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing from 1934 to 1935. It was never publicly circulated and was only used for transactions between Federal Reserve Banks. With a face value of 100,000 dollars, it is the highest-denominated piece of paper money ever produced by the United States. The note technically still holds the status of legal tender, but has not seen circulation since the 1960s.
Arnþór Birkisson
Skoða myndirÁrni Sæberg
Skoða myndirÁsdís Ásgeirsdóttir
Skoða myndirEggert Jóhannesson
Skoða myndirEmilía Björg Björnsdóttir
Skoða myndirGolli / Kjartan Þorbjörnsson
Skoða myndirJúlíus Sigurjónsson
Skoða myndirKristinn Ingvarsson
Skoða myndirKristinn Magnússon
Skoða myndirÓlafur K. Magnússon
Skoða myndirÓmar Óskarsson
Skoða myndirRax / Ragnar Axelsson
Skoða myndirHelgi Sigurðsson
Skoða myndirÍvar Valgarðsson
Skoða myndirKristinn Pálsson
Skoða myndir